Stayner Lions Club 51st Annual Car Draw
2022 Ford Mustang Convertible
310 HP * 10 Speed Automatic Transmission * MSRP $46,950
Tickets: $20 each or 3 for $50
Only 7500 tickets printed!
License #M826564
Must be 18 years of age. Tickets only available for purchase and delivery within Ontario. Car F.O.B Stayner, ON.
Main draw to take place at the Lions’ Den, 7293 Hwy 26, Stayner, ON on Monday, October 10, 2022 @ 6pm (or sooner if sold out). Draw to be held live on Facebook.
How to order your ticket: You have 4 options:
Online: Complete the online form to the right and send. The system will automatically take you to paypal for payment. You can use a credit card or your paypal account for payment. Once you receive a confirmation, your tickets will be sent to you.
Call: 705-229-7627 to order tickets by telephone. You can arrange payment at that time.
By Mail:
Download the ticket order form, print & complete it in full detail. Payment by Visa/MasterCard or Cheque. Mail the order for (with a cheque if that is your payment option) to:
Stayner Lions Mustang Draw, Box 481, Stayner, ON L0M1S0
By Email/E-transfer:
Send your e-transfer to staynerlionsfundraising@gmail.com, include your contact information (including telephone number) in the comment box, or send a separate email with your order form or contact information to the same address.
Download and print the order form:
Purchase Tickets Online
Lions Clubs International is the largest, most recognized service club in the world. Our vision is worldwide but our focus is our local community. We are looking for men and women who share our passion to serve their community and make it a better place to live for all of us. Working together, we have the opportunity to achieve things that few of us could accomplish alone.